
Best Divorce Lawyer in Delhi NCR

  Criminal Lawyers in Delhi Vivek Law firm is a law firm in Delhi. We have team of Committed Top Criminal Lawyers in Delhi. We had handled various types of criminal case till Date like:- Criminal Misappropriation of assets; Criminal Breach of Trust and criminal intrigue; Disrespect of Cheque under N.I.Act. Falsification and disobedience; Different financial offenses culpable under SEBI, FEMA, Passport Act, Immigration Act and so forth.; Offense identified with marriage viz. (an) Offense unusable under Dowry Act (b) Domestic viciousness Act (c) 498A, 406 IPC and so forth. Offense identified with Drugs culpable under NDPS Act; Sexual offenses; Offenses against the state; Offense against the general population serenity and open equity; Offense identified with weights and measure, general wellbeing, security, respectability and ethics; Offense identified with property, viz. burglary, theft, coercion, swindling, breach

Best Criminal Lawyer in Delhi NCR


Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners

  Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners All prisoners shall be treated with the respect due to their inherent dignity and value as human beings. There shall be no discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. It is, however, desirable to respect the religious beliefs and cultural precepts of the group to which prisoners belong, whenever local conditions so require. The responsibility of prisons for the custody of prisoners and for the protection of society against crime shall be discharged in keeping with a State's other social objectives and its fundamental responsibilities for promoting the well-being and development of all members of society. Except for those limitations that are demonstrably necessitated by the fact of incarceration, all prisoners shall retain the human rights and fundamental freedoms set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a

Cheque Bounce Lawyers

  Cheque Bounce Lawyers If you have a Cheque issued by a debtor that has bounced or has been dishonored, or someone has issued a Cheque bounce notice against you, or you have received court summons for a 138 NI (Negotiable Instruments Act) complaint against you, Then Don’t Worry. We have lawyers for Cheque Bounce Lawyers in Delhi. We have Expertise in Handling Cheque Bounce cases efficiently. Our Cheque Bounce lawyers will files a suit for recovery of the amount of the Cheque along with the cost and interest. A criminal complaint can also be lodged. However, before the filing of the complaint, we serves the statutory notice to the party for payment of the Cheque amount, we files that complaint on behalf of the pleader on the Power of Attorney. Cheque bounce comes in criminal offence in a Delhi. So you must consult or should take legal Advice from an Expert Cheque Bounce lawyers. #Divorce #Lawyer in #Delhi #Criminal #Lawyer in #Delhi #Civil #Property #Lawyer in #Delhi #Corpora

Criminal Lawyers In Delhi

  Criminal Lawyers in Delhi Vivek Law firm is a law firm in Delhi. We have team of Committed Top Criminal Lawyers in Delhi. We had handled various types of criminal case till Date like:- Criminal Misappropriation of assets; Criminal Breach of Trust and criminal intrigue; Disrespect of Cheque under N.I.Act. Falsification and disobedience; Different financial offenses culpable under SEBI, FEMA, Passport Act, Immigration Act and so forth.; Offense identified with marriage viz. (an) Offense unusable under Dowry Act (b) Domestic viciousness Act (c) 498A, 406 IPC and so forth. Offense identified with Drugs culpable under NDPS Act; Sexual offenses; Offenses against the state; Offense against the general population serenity and open equity; Offense identified with weights and measure, general wellbeing, security, respectability and ethics; Offense identified with property, viz. burglary, theft, coercion, swindling, breach

Divorce Lawyers in Delhi

  Divorce Lawyers in Delhi The legal process of a divorce depends upon the type of divorce. If a divor ce is contested, it could take more than a year for the marriage to be dissolved. But, when we are here, you don’t have to worry at all .We have team of Best Divorce Lawyers in Delhi If it is a divorce through Mutual consent, the process will be relatively quicker and easier. Divorce could take More Time, when there is Child Custody Case also. But Our Lawyers provide their best possible ability to finish the case process as soon as possible. Divorce through Mutual Consent: When both the parties i.e., the husband and wife mutually agree to obtain a divorce, the courts will grant a decree for divorce with mutual consent. The couple should prove that they have been separated for over a year and that they have been unable to live together. The main characteristic of a divorce through mutual consent is that matters such as children’s custody, maintenance and property rights could be ag

Bail Lawyers In Delhi

    Bail Lawyers In Delhi A bail is money or frequently, a bail bond that is put up for the suspect to allow him or her to remain free until the completion of the case. Bail basically creates a financial incentive for a suspect to appear in court — failure to do so results in the loss of your bails money you’ll also get a warrant for your arrest, and you can add bail jumping to your criminal charges, to boot.   HOW IS BAIL PAID AND WHAT IS A BAIL BONDSMAN ? Bail can be paid, primarily, in three ways: Pony up the full amount in cash (checks and VISA may also be accepted). Conversely, you can enroll the services of a bail bondsman. A bail bondsman will pay your entire bail, but you’ll give up a premium – usually around 10 percent, which isn’t refundable. And if the suspect fails to appear in court, that poor bail bondsman is going to lose the entire bail payment, which is why a bond seller will ask that you put down collateral, such as your house or car, to cover the bond seller’